What The BoJack Horseman Voice Actors Look Like In Real Life

5. Paul F. Tompkins (Mr Peanutbutter)

Alison Brie Bojack

Additional Voices: Albino Rhino Gyno, Princess Carolyn’s Phone, Marv, Sloth Lawyer, Andrew Garfield

Into the big five now, although at 67 episodes, Tompkins is two behind Alison Brie, Amy Sedaris and Aaron Paul, and three behind Will Arnett. Still, it’s clear that these five run the show, and Mr Peanutbutter is a massive fan favourite.

With his relationship with Pickles, he has been somewhat airlifted out of the main story and relegated to the b-plot. He’s entertaining enough to carry it off alone though, although it looks like the dark fan theory that he’s secretly tricking everyone into thinking he’s a good guy won’t pan out now.

PB has been involved in some of the show’s biggest plots too, through his marriage to Diane, friendship with Todd, rivalry with BoJack and representation via PC. He flies in the face of the show’s moodier tones, and is the perfect tonic to BoJack’s depression.

As for Tompkins himself, the comedian has made a career out of cameos and guest spots, appearing in Brooklyn 99, Community, There Will Be Blood and many more, alongside recurring roles in Bob’s Burgers and Venture Bros.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)