What The Boys' Cast Look Like In The Comics

1. Billy 'The Butcher'

The Boys
Dynamite Entertaiment

In The Comics

As the leader of The Boys, Billy Butcher - or 'The Butcher' to friends - is made up of pretty much every archetype of the grizzled badass comic character, refusing to wear any colour other than black, having a neck larger than his head, and a chin that would make Superman jealous.

With Billy, his appearance clues you in to exactly what kind of person you're in for - namely, a guy who gets too much blood on him to ever wear a white shirt.

In The Show

Billy The Butcher The Boys
Prime Video

Despite the addition of a nifty beard and moustache combo, Billy is all the same violence and wildness that makes up his comic character. While he's not always in a heavy leather trenchcoat - what with them ceasing to be cool some years after the Matrix was released - the customary badass shirt and jackets are still very much intact, only with an added dash of colour to keep things interesting.

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The Boys
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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.