What The Boys' Cast Look Like In The Comics

5. Jack From Jupiter

The Boys
Dynamite Entertainment

In The Comic

Jack From Jupiter manages to be an incredibly bizarre mix of Shazam and Martian Manhunter, as he is (supposedly) an alien from a far-off planet, who can turn invulnerable when he says his magic phrase, 'Dupo'.

This said, Jupiter resembles neither of these characters physically, as his Jupiter-patterned skin and red cape-and-shorts combo is something totally different entirely. That said, it's also a solid reminder that many heroes in the days of yore wore equally questionable outfits - and we didn't even question it.

In The Show

Translucent The Boys
Amazon Studios

In the show, however, Jack's role has been summarily replaced - likely due to certain scenes involving Jupiter being a little too risque for even for the obscene television adaptation, but officially because the producers didn't want aliens to feature in the series.

Which isn't to suggest that Translucent - the blunt name of the superhero who can turn invisible and was made to replace Jack - is any better. The supposed hero uses his abilities to creep on unsuspecting members of the general public in a scandal that is just as great as Jupiter's, yet makes for considerably less sordid viewing.

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The Boys
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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.