What The Boys' Cast Look Like In The Comics

4. The Female (Of The Species)

The Boys
Dynamite Entertainment

In The Comic

When you manage to make a character be both badass and named after a Rudyard Kipling poem, you know something has gone right for you, and that you've got something special on your hands. That something special is undeniably The Female, a mute who has the ability to kill pretty much anyone, anytime - making her invaluable to The Boys.

The Female's looks are about as complex as her name, with the customary black trenchcoat and jeans being her outfit of choice.

In The Show

The Female The Boys
Amazon Studios

While looking slightly older than her indeterminably-aged comic counterpart, Karen Fukuhara - who eagle-eyed comic fans will also recognise having played Katana in the Suicide Squad - still manages to pull off the grungy serial killer atmosphere that The Female so sorely deserves.

It'd be easy to mischaracterise The Female as violent, but the film version still has all the kind-hearted nature of her ink-and-paper copy - which makes when she does all the more badass.

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The Boys
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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.