What The Family Guy Voice Actors Look Like In Real Life

4. Seth Green - Chris Griffin And Neil Goldman

Family Guy Voice Actors

The Characters: The eldest son in the Griffin house, Chris is certainly a chip off the old block when put next to his father.

Just as reckless, but twice as stupid, what's great about Chris Griffin's development is that (much like his siblings) there's a real darkness to his character. At the beginning of the series' run, he was the good-hearted son of his father who was hormonal and sensitive.

As the series has progressed, Chris' disturbing elements have poked through with even Stewie commenting on how depraved and worrying the character is. He's still his father's son, and while Peter is a wrecking ball of chaos, Chris isn't that far behind with his own mayhem.

Say what you want about him though, he managed to get himself a date with Taylor Swift - so maybe behaving like Chris has its upsides?

The Actor: Agreat note to read about Seth Green's casting is that in the audition, he read Chris' character like Buffalo Bill from The Silence Of The Lambs (hence the video above).

Green's career expands across multiple decades, with a memorable role in Buffy The Vampire Slayer as Oz, Dr. Evil's bratty son in the Austin Powers Trilogy, and most notably one of the creators and voice actors in the superbly brilliant Robot Chicken series.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!