What The Family Guy Voice Actors Look Like In Real Life

5. Mike Henry - Cleveland Brown (Formerly), Bruce, Herbert

Family Guy Voice Actors
Fox/Wikimedia Commons

The Characters: Peter's slobbish best friend and neighbour. Cleveland Brown was one of the Spooner Street four constantly caught up in Peter's mischief. Cleveland left Quahog (and subsequently Family Guy) for a short period to have his own spin-off series. The show didn't do so well with ratings, and Cleveland "returned" to Quahog.

There's also Herbert the Pervert - a character who wears his intentions on the sleeve of his loose robe. The phrases and lines whistled by Herbert are both cringe-inducing and hilarious, with maybe the subtext of what he says softened by the fact that there are undercurrents of comedy about him.

And then there's Bruce! Quahog's favourite gay gig economist. His faint cheers and gasps of "yay" and "oh no!" make the character all the more superb as he innocently and sweetly meanders through Quahog.

The Actor: Mike Henry's career seems to circle solely around MacFarlane-verse outings. His voice has been used for American Dad as well as Family Guy and the Cleveland Show, but he's also made physical appearances in MacFarlane project's including The Orville and A Million Ways To Die In The West.

Since 2020, Mike Henry has ceased voicing the character of Cleveland Brown and will be voiced by a black voice actor.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!