What The Rick And Morty Voice Actors Look Like In Real Life

1. Justin Roiland (Rick Sanchez/Morty Smith)

Rick Morty Summer Spencer Grammer
Adult Swim/Rachel Lovinger (via WikiMedia Commons)

Co-creator of Rick and Morty alongside Dan Harmon, Justin Roiland voices so many random characters on the show that we're surprised he manages to keep track of it all.

On top of voicing the two title characters, Roiland has lent his pipes to the likes of Mr. Poopybutthole, Mr. Meeseeks and Noob Noob, as well as alternate versions of Rick and Morty like Doofus Rick, Cronenberg Rick, Cop Morty, Cronenberg Morty, The Council Of Ricks, and Rick D. Sanchez III. Phew.

Prior to his days of getting schwifty, Roiland appeared in other animated shows like Adventure Time and Gravity Falls, and on the big screen, he's had small roles in children's flicks like Smallfoot and horror pieces like Krampus, voicing insane gingerbread man Clumpy in the latter.

Roiland also works in the gaming space, founding the company Squanch Games in 2016. The studio most recently released the excellent Trover Saves The Universe in 2019, which has a lot of that oddball Rick and Morty humour splattered all over it.

All that aside though, the guy is basically the voice of Rick and Morty, and we're extremely thankful for his vocal chords.


What's your favourite vocal performance in Rick and Morty history? Let us know in the comments section!


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