What The Simpsons Voice Actors Look Like In Real Life
11. Marcia Wallace (Edna Krabappel)
"Bart’s teacher is named Krabappel? I’ve been calling her Krandall! Oh, I’ve been making an idiot out of myself!"
Wallace is another actor no longer with us, which perhaps comes with the territory of being show which has been running for over 30 years. Like Grammer, she only voices a single character too, but one who was a massive part of The Simpsons’ framework.
176 episodes Wallace leant her voice to, occasionally playing background characters but mainly Bart’s dry and long suffering teacher, Mrs. Krabappel. She was one of the few adversaries to hold her own against Bart, and it’s telling that since her passing, we’ve seen less and less of Bart, Milhouse, Nelson and the rest at school.
She was also part of one of modern series’ most ambitious storylines, with her marriage to Ned Flanders being played straight and lasting over a few seasons before her death unfortunately cut it short.