What Umbrella Academy's Cast Look Like In The Comics

11. The Temps Aeternalis

Umbrella Academy Vanya
Dark Horse Comics

In The Comics

Aside for Carmichael, the superior agent at the Temps agency, the other agents - who are mostly fixers sent to violently solve timeline "transgressions" look like droids, storm troopers and Darth Mail all rolled into one.

They wear red tactical armour under yellow ponchos (or so the design seems to suggest), They could well be hockey jerseys. Either way, they don't exactly blend in.

In The Show

Temps Assassins Umbrella Academy

Though they only really appear in the final episode, the Temps - who aren't named specifically - do appear and follow a similar aesthetic to their comic counterparts. They basically look like alien footsoldiers, wearing gasmasks and generally sticking out a mile, though not quite as much as their comics counterparts.


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