What We Do In The Shadows - 10 Best Episodes So Far

1. On The Run

What We Do in the Shadows Witch's Hat
Disney Media Distribution

Arguably it's not grandstanding Nandor The Relentless nor pontificating Colin Robinson that is What We Do In The Shadows's greatest comedy creation. No, that accolade may instead belong to "regular human bartender" Jackie Daytona.

Laszlo going into hiding in Pennsylvania because it sounds like Transylvania is the kind of predictable joke that you'd find in a lesser vampire comedy. Everything else about this story, though, runs on Shadows's own idiosyncratic logic.

"Jackie Daytona" is utterly unconvincing as either a Pennsylvania native (still using Matt Berry's dulcet radio English tones but claiming to have assumed the local accent) or a "regular human", with his "disguise" consisting of nothing more than jeans, a cowboy hat and (most essentially) a toothpick.

Yet the toothpick does seem genuinely to fool the vampire out to get him (Mark Hamill in a gloriously hammy guest appearance as a vamp out to claim century-old unpaid rent). And "Daytona's" unique approach to passing as human sees him adopted by the local community who enjoy his odd bursts of generosity.

Jackie Daytona is certainly a better man than Laszlo himself. He takes an enthusiastic interest in the local girls' volleyball team, which (unusually for Laszlo) doesn't appear to be sexual. The show is pleasingly ambiguous about whether the team's upturn in form after his support is due to supernatural assistance or not.

Hamill, meanwhile, makes a great foil to Berry. Their shared enthusiasm for a Billy Bass singing fish is something to behold.

It's silly moments like this that make On The Run stand out as What We Do In The Shadows's high point. Let's hope that this isn't the last we've heard of Jackie Daytona and his amazing toothpick disguise.


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