Where's White Vision? 10 Possible Destinations For The Reborn Avenger

9. Stark Tower

WandaVision Marvel

Alternatively, White Vision may return to the Vision's place of birth.

Hopefully, our first few chapters of White Vision's story will lean heavily into an exploration of "who" or "what" he thinks he is and what he believes he should become.

Being in the space where Vision and Ultron were created will place White Vision at a crossroads. Though he has the memories of Vision, he surely also has an understanding of Ultron's logic, forcing him to consider what his role among humans should be.

Seeking out Tony Stark is a logical first step in his path to self-discovery and White Vision will undoubtedly have to come to terms with the Snap, the Blip, and Stark's sacrifice. Who will bring him up to speed on the state of the world post-Vision's death?

Well, whoever bought the Avengers Tower.

Spider-Man: Homecoming saw the skyscraper vacated for a new tenant but shared no indication of its new owners. Whether it's the new Oscorp or Baxter Building, whoever White Vision runs into will act as an influence on the android's sense of right and wrong.


Nick Dauk hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.