Where's White Vision? 10 Possible Destinations For The Reborn Avenger

7. Avengers' Headquarters

WandaVision Marvel

Even with Vision's memories, the Snap and the Blip are still new concepts for White Vision to grapple with. He needs someone to turn to for answers, presumably someone that Vision trusted like Steve Rogers.

Vision's last few days saw the fractured Avengers team led by Captain America come out of hiding and return to Avengers' Headquarters. As the former home of Vision, White Vision may feel that this might be one of the few safe havens available. Presumably, Captain America, Falcon, Hawkeye, and Black Widow would be waiting to welcome him with open arms.

We won't know the current status of the Avengers, if there is even a team anymore, until the end of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier or Hawkeye. Regardless of who is at the Avenger compound, their presence would immediately force White Vision to pledge his allegiance.

Is he an Avenger reborn or is he a walking, talking government weapon?


Nick Dauk hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.