Where's White Vision? 10 Possible Destinations For The Reborn Avenger

6. Sokovia

WandaVision Marvel
Marvel Studios

Sokovia may not be a likely destination, but it's still a consideration nonetheless. It's obviously a place of importance to Wanda and its destruction again illustrates the divide between the original Vision and Ultron. Both fought to "save" the world in Sokovia, albeit, in two completely different ways.

If White Vision has sympathy for the original Vision, he very well may be able to empathize with Ultron as well. All three androids were created as weapons by creators who believed these machines could "save" the world.

Again, Sokovia would represent the crossroads facing White Vision in his quest to discover who he is. Sokovia and Westview are not too dissimilar: an android was at the root of their peoples' suffering. A stop in Sokovia, even for a brief moment, is necessary if White Vision wants to fully understand what "he" was.


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