White Collar Season 5: 5 Things We Can Expect

4. Lots Of Role Reversal JokesWc Peterneal S5

If this promotional photo is not enough of a clue, we are bound see a host of jokes about how the tables have turned. Even if no one else can find time for the humorous irony of the situation, we at least know Moz will take the time to point out the downfalls in trusting "the man". While the situation of season four is definitely not as easily resolved as the pilot (imagine Neal Caffrey with the power to get Peter out of jail for an experiment!) the resemblance is definitely worth a chuckle or two. This change can only strengthen our favorite bromance as both Neal and Peter struggle with the constraints of each other's worlds. It is comedy that sets White Collar apart and it is good to know it is already on the forefront of the behind-the-scenes team as much as it is our own.

A person who thought a lot, then decided thinking with other people is more fun. If you fancy a chat, feel free to email NicoleatWhatCulture@excite.com