Let me start by saying yes, I know that Matt Smith will no longer be playing the role of The Doctor as of Christmas day and the broadcast of "The Time of the Doctor." We will all be sad to see Matt Smith go and we will all be excited to see what Peter Capaldi brings to the role of our favorite Time Lord. But let's forget about all that and concentrate on something else, namely this video: Finished watching it? Pretty amazing, isn't it? Sherlock Holmes is arguably one of the most brilliant individuals on the planet. It's not outside the realm of possibility that he would see The Doctor as another mystery to solve. Who is he? Where does he come from and where does go? Why does he always seem to be on Earth in the times of greatest need? We've seen just average individuals trying to figure out the answers as far back as the first episode of NuWho, "Rose." On the other side of the coin, Holmes is just the kind of person that would fascinate The Doctor. A brilliant mind, capable of outstanding feats of deduction. He has solved fantastic mysteries and in turn, his adventures have been written about by Dr John Watson. The Doctor loves going and meeting great figures from all throughout history, would it be so unusual to think that he would stop by 221B Baker Street someday? And when he does show up there, it gives Holmes his best chance to try to solve the the mystery behind The Doctor. Entering the TARDIS and allowing himself to be taken away in it. The chance for newer and greater knowledge than he could ever gain from sitting in his parlor, searching the web or speaking with Mycroft. The world's greatest detective and the madman in a box, traveling the universe and saving the day, all while learning. About other worlds, other species and, of course, about each other. As far as Benedict Cumberbatch and Matt Smith go, there was a chance of them actually working together when casting was happening for Sherlock. Matt Smith went to audition for the role of Watson and it was felt that he wasn't quite right for the role. It was felt that having him in the role would be too much like having two Sherlocks instead. This video gives you a glimpse into just what that could have been like, while making those who see it really wanting more. It's not likely we'll ever get a full length feature episode or movie, but maybe we'll be lucky enough to have them work together for the Children in Need appeal one year. If they can have The Doctor show up for a segment with the folks from Call the Midwife in a Comic Relief special, then surely we can get these two together for a good cause.
Graduate of the Connecticut School of Broadcasting, former writer for Examiner.com and huge fan of all things sci-fi and fantasy. Has been known to wear a Fourth Doctor scarf in the middle of summer.