Why Doctor Who Season 7 Is A Humanist Parable

€œTell me, River, because I don€™t know: how do I say it?€

he doesn't like endings The Doctor refused to say goodbye to River. She rather sadly pinned this on €œhe doesn€™t like endings.€ She was already dead, and she could not stay forever. But goodbyes are important, and she wanted one with the Doctor. The Doctor could not have said goodbye to River before €œThe Name of the Doctor.€ Even then, he avoided it. In the last year, we€™ve gotten to watch the Time Lord grow, watch him come to terms with the fact that some of the universe€™s immutable facts cannot be fixed. The Doctor got used to not knowing about Clara, and he re-learned through her how to care about people and their stories. So, at long last, he could let River fade. And what did he do, after she had finally died? He took a moment, he absorbed it farewell river And then he stepped into the timestream, to save Clara. The answer to death is people, and the answer to loss is to connect with someone and keep going. stepping in

Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at tyrannyofthepetticoat.wordpress.com and her reading blog at journalofimaginarypeople.wordpress.com.