Why These 5 Hated Doctor Who Episodes Aren't As Bad As You Think

4. It Takes You Away

Doctor Who Kill The Moon
BBC Studios

WHY IT'S HATED: Basically, it's the weird talking frog isn't it? Many viewers struggled to take this scene seriously, which is rather unfortunate given it's intended as the emotional conclusion to 45 minutes of storytelling. The scene was seen as a missed opportunity to bring back an existing character with more of an emotional connection to the Doctor.

WHY IT'S NOT SO BAD: Firstly, a brief defense of the talking frog. Yes, the visual effects were a little naff. Yes, the fact that the frog had Grace's voice was a questionable, but you have to admire the ballsy decision to put it in there in the first place (and wonder just how many psychedelics writer Ed Hime took whilst penning this). It's the kind of trippy, totally off-the-wall sci-fi that wouldn't look out of place in a Douglas Adams novel and in an odd way it almost works.

The rest of the episode is also one of the stronger stories of Series 11, with an intriguing side cast in Hanne and Eric, and the return of Grace hits just the right emotional notes without overdoing it. It's refreshing to see the Doctor visit somewhere outside England for a change, and having the episode take place in a Norwegian Fjord makes for a standout change of scenery. The directing is also stellar in this episode, from the claustrophobic feeling to the subtle mirroring effect in the Solitract's universe.

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Alex is a sci-fi and fantasy swot, and is a writer for WhoCulture. He is incapable of watching TV without reciting trivia, and sometimes, when his heart is in the right place, and the stars are too, he’s worth listening to.