Why These 5 Hated Doctor Who Episodes Aren't As Bad As You Think

2. Kill The Moon

Doctor Who Kill The Moon

WHY IT'S HATED: After a slow and uneventful first half, Kill The Moon takes a rather sudden turn, having the Doctor storm off and leave the future of the planet in the hands of Clara after it turns out the moon is in fact an egg. It's generally the last point that viewers take issue with. It is, after all, a rather ridiculous and scientifically nonsensical concept, as is the fact that the newly hatched moon immediately lays an egg almost twice its size, conveniently navigating the potential consequences of Clara's decision.

WHY IT'S NOT SO BAD: So, yes, 99% of this episode really is bad, but this is one of those cases where the episode is redeemed by one stellar scene. The scene in question takes place in the closing minutes of the episode as a furious Clara pulls the Doctor up on his actions, leading to the first full-blown Doctor/companion fallout of the modern series. This isn't just a one-and-done disagreement, but a full on clash between our two protagonists that has lasting consequences in the back half of Series 8, and sets up Clara's betrayal of Twelve in Dark Water.

The scene features some top-class acting from arguably the two most talented leads the modern show has had, and gives the Doctor some real consequences for his frequent flippant and arrogant behaviour toward his friends. The writers do not hold back, allowing Clara to snap completely (and believably) at the Doctor, and we are with her entirely in everything she says. The sheer levels of hostility genuinely make us question if Clara is being written out of the show, despite the fact we are in the middle of a series.

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Alex is a sci-fi and fantasy swot, and is a writer for WhoCulture. He is incapable of watching TV without reciting trivia, and sometimes, when his heart is in the right place, and the stars are too, he’s worth listening to.