Will Doctor Who Series 7 Be As Good As The Rest?

With the first part of Doctor Who series 7 basically filmed already, fans are getting their hopes up to see how this series can further wow us.

With the first part of Doctor Who series 7 basically filmed already, fans are getting their hopes up to see how this series can further wow us. This is just a basic summary of the previous series. When Doctor Who was reborn in 2005 with a new Doctor, companion, cast and crew it was a huge success (and might I add an unexpected one too after the apparent failure of The Movie in 1996) Series 1 built up to the epic finale with the daleks and their emperor with the first energy-flowing regeneration for the new series as well as the Bad Wolf mystery being introduced and solved. Series 2 welcomed the 10th Doctor and chemistry flowed between he and Rose. The Cybermen were reintroduced and redesigned with a different backstory than the original ones and the Bad Wolf message was replaced with the Torchwood story arc. Fans wondered how a series finale could get any better than the previous one but were shown when the Daleks and Cybermen met for the first onscreen time. (Previously both had appeared in The Five Doctors but were involved in separate events). Series 3 left a great big hole for both fans and The Doctor after the €œdeath€ of Rose Tyler. The €œMr Saxon€ story arc left fans questioning who the hell he could be and we were shown in a 3-part story at the end of series 3. The Master presented the fact that a series ender didn€™t have to involve Daleks or the Cybermen. Series 4 returned to the roots of series 1s ender but brought about Davros as well. The return of Rose and €œThe Children of Time€ was an apt ending for what was soon going to be the end of the Davies era. The 2010 specials provided movie standard special effects and highlighted the brilliance of Davies imagination and The Mills special effects. Matt Smith gave a new spin on Doctor Who for series 5 and 6 with Rory and Amy. Love and flirting had returned with the mysterious River Song and the Daleks were yet again reborn. As everybody who is a diehard Doctor Who fan would know all of the past €œretro€ Daleks are returning for 7s opener not to mention the time war models and New Paradigm variants. It had seemed Moffat had slightly neglected the Daleks to make their return even bigger. Details have slipped on the Daleks but cast and crew are continuously being tight-lipped on what will happen to Amy and Rory. We do know that the series 7 part one ender was filmed in New York, River is involved as are the Weeping Angels but we are unsure if they face their death or the rumours of divorce are true. The choice to split a series over 2 years is a big one. Hopefully the 2013 50th anniversary is even bigger than any other series final and wows the socks off long-time fans or risk getting stale with lack of surprise.
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Christopher Miller is a young gaming and movie lover. He is Australian and waiting impatiently for GTA V between playing with his chickens and sleeping.