YOU Season 1: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

8. From New York To Los Angeles

YOU Ending

In the last episode, Claudia tells Joe that she and Paco will be moving to California to start fresh. Whilst Paco and Claudia don’t exist in the book, the book’s sequel sees Joe move to Los Angeles, so it seems he will follow.

Executive producer Sera Gamble says the writers have been talking about setting Season 2 in LA: “One of the classic truisms about living in LA is that you’re surrounded by former New Yorkers who f-ing hate it there. So we started the writers’ room for Season 2 by being like, ‘Joe moves to LA and he completely hates it. Let’s talk about how much fun that is.’”

Whether it’s to find new love or related to Candace, Joe’s move will definitely push the story forward in an exciting way. It’ll be fun to watch him explore the promising atmosphere of LA, especially if he hates it there as Gamble suggests.


Yorkshire-based writer who loves cats, middle-aged actresses, and horror films.