YOU Season 1: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

4. Will The Dead Stay Buried?

YOU Ending

In Season 1, Joe already had to deal with the PI hired by Peach Salinger’s family to look into her death. At the end, that same PI is shown not believing Beck’s book about her therapist being guilty.

Joe knows that he can’t fool everyone. He’s killed four people so far, but he’s still no professional murderer. The PI might stick around for Season 2, leading Joe to further cover up his tracks and make sure that the bodies aren’t discovered or tied to him in any way.

With Dr. Nicky being wrongly prosecuted for Beck’s death, will he somehow figure out Joe is behind it? After all, it wasn't just Beck who saw him. Joe started visiting him for therapy sessions under a false identity when he found out Beck had had an affair with him.

Even from prison, Dr. Nicky could find a way to make problems for Joe.


Yorkshire-based writer who loves cats, middle-aged actresses, and horror films.