YOU Season 1: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

1. There’s Needs To Be A Third Season

YOU Ending

If diving into Joe’s past with Candace takes up the entire season, then we’ll definitely need a Season 3. We need more of Joe becoming obsessed with someone new and exploring the other things he will do in order to protect them in the name of “love”.

Plus, Season 2 could end with Joe murdering Candace like he did Beck. Will this become his new dating routine? Will he get better at killing, or will his murders eventually come back to haunt him? Could Joe ever get married? Will he one day meet his match?

There is so much that can be explored with Joe’s character. His psyche is pretty messed up and people will continue to be fascinated by his choices alongside his charming but creepy narration.

What did you think of YOU's ending? Let us know down in the comments.


Yorkshire-based writer who loves cats, middle-aged actresses, and horror films.