YOU Season 2 Trailer Review: 4 Ups & 2 Downs
2. A Little Too New, Perhaps?
Following the conclusion of the first season, it was made clear to us that the second season of You would reset things dramatically, with Joe moving from New York to Los Angeles and adopting a new identity. And, you know what? That's exactly what the trailer has given us, so major props for that.
But watching it back, you couldn't help but feel like everything was so new. While that will prove to be beneficial in other aspects (we'll get to that shortly), the biggest downside of all this newness is that it also left the trailer's narrative feeling incredibly familiar.
Joe's starting fresh, which means he's going to be starting all over again. No familiar territory, no familiar faces, no trace of before - as if Season 1 never happened. If not treated carefully, this could result in the narrative hitting a number of all-too familiar beats throughout the season and essentially replicating the first season's story in a new environment. And that's where Candace's arrival will hopefully change things up.