YOU Season 2 Trailer Review: 4 Ups & 2 Downs
1. Caged Desires
Okay, so this one is quite minor and if you hadn't read this piece, you might not even have noticed it (so turn away now if you don't want it spoiled). However, once you notice it, it's hard to even fathom why this clip made it into the trailer.
Yes, the YOU Season 2 trailer is built around a scene of Joe ending up behind bars. Now that's a shocking clip to include - one that might even make viewers think he'd been caught out for all of his actions, right? Yeah well, the-powers-that-be only went and included a clip of him and (presumably) Love getting it on in an alleyway just as a police car pulls up. And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, that is likely the reason that he ends up in a cell.
Don't get this writer wrong, it's obvious that Netflix wouldn't have spoiled his imprisonment with that jailed clip, but it was still a great choice that could have produced some intriguing discussion among fans as to how he ended up in that cell. Not anymore...
Now, for the positives...