You Season 3: 12 Questions That Must Be Answered

9. Is Anyone Looking For Joe?

You Season 3

By now Joe must be looking over his shoulder every time he steps out of the front door each morning. Between giving a flaky backstory to a patrol cop on his way to the Salinger home, a very suspicious LA cop and a wrongly convicted therapist, any Private Investigator worth their salt might be able to start piecing Joe's movements together.

One superb scene in season two showed Forty work out who killed Beck in a drug-induced haze; while we could chalk it up to Forty being secretly a genius who can look beyond surface-level art, we've also got to assume someone a bit sharper worked it out too.

Season one revealed a private investigator was looking into Peach Salinger's death and we didn't see any follow-up to it in the following season. If the Salinger Dynasty dropped their concerns it would seem like a weak resolution, especially since it happened off-screen.

Maybe Joe's actions are leaving breadcrumbs for a team of detectives to follow all the way to the West Coast?

A cat and mouse story might not be on the cards for You, but for Candace to be the only one from New York to find Joe seems a little unrealistic.

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!