You Season 4: 10 Biggest Questions It Must Answer

8. How Will The Joe And Marienne Reunion Play Out?

You Season 3

As mentioned earlier, the finale saw Joe in Paris looking for Marienne in order to be with her and her young daughter. The two met during Joe's time at the library and due to their shared experiences and interests, formed a strong bond that gave way to a brief but passionate affair.

Unfortunately (or fortunately?), the affair did not blossom into a full-blown relationship due to Love's intervention. She convinced Marienne that her presence was detrimental to her marriage and that she needed to leave Joe alone for her (Marienne) own sake before she is caught in Joe's toxic sphere.

Before Love could kill Marienne, the latter's daughter unintentionally intervened by walking into the Quinn-Goldberg house, immediately stopping Love in her tracks. The main question here is whether Marienne will be willing to take Joe back, especially in light of what Love told her and the now-mysterious circumstances surrounding Love's death and Joe's survival.

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David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.