You Season 4: 10 Biggest Questions It Must Answer

6. Joe's Growing (?) Self-awareness

You Season 3

Joe Goldberg's internal monologues are often some of the show's most entertaining moments, as they provide much needed insight into the serial killer's mind. Also, they make for darkly humorous asides whenever Joe is expressing his displeasure with someone or a certain turn of events.

The third season paired these monologues with flashbacks to dig deep into what made Joe tick, as well as serve as parallels to present day events in the show. Audiences got more insight into Joe's troubled childhood, abandonment by his mother and how his experience with his boys' home nurse shaped him into who he is in the present.

His new obsession with Marienne and his discovery of her troubled life made Joe realize that he is drawn to women who have endured abuse in their lives due to his own complicated relationship with his mother, herself a victim of abuse.

This revelation may have been obvious to most viewers, but Joe has never been the self-aware type. So it remains to be seen if this will lead to a Joe who is more honest with himself or will he continue to justify his violent and invasive actions.

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Netflix You
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David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.