You Season 4: 10 Biggest Questions It Must Answer

5. Matthew And Theo

You Season 3

Matthew and Theo Engler were some of the more welcome additions to the series, as the death of Natalie (their wife and step-mother, respectively) sparked very different reactions from the father-son duo and set them on a collision course with the Quinn-Goldberg couple.

Joe and Matthew briefly bonded over fatherhood during the former's bout with the measles but this burgeoning pairing was quickly stomped by the latter's realization that Joe and Natalie were closer than expected.

Theo, on the other hand was enamoured with Love who initally rebuffed the young Engler's advances but ultimately gave in due to feeling neglected by her husband. This proved to be Theo's undoing as he attempted to free the Conrads from their imprisonment but was knocked out by a desperate Love.

Fortunately, he survived the attack and the season ended with the Englers slowly mending fences. Out of all the loose ends left in Madre Linda, they pose the biggest threat in Madre Linda due to their knowledge of Natalie's death and Matthew's deep connections in the world of surevillance.

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David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.