You Season 4: 10 Biggest Questions It Must Answer

2. Is Love Still Alive?

You Season 3

Arguably one of the more out there points of speculation, the question of whether Love survived her fiery demise is undoubtedly intriguing to think about, even if it is based on rather shaky justification.

Having been subjected to the same poison that she injected Joe with, Love was left helpless in her house as it came down on her in a blaze. This sounds like a rather definitive death, but at the same time we did not see her body being engulfed by the flames, so this leaves the door open for her return.

However, even if You chooses to engage this well-worn trope, surviving being paralyzed in a burning house is a stretch, even for this show. That said, Love has been established as being able to predict Joe's moves so it stands to reason that she may have ingested the antidote just as he did and crawl out to safety.

In addition to this, there is precedence with Joe not being thorough with his murders (Candace, anyone?) so in a show as wild as You, it is entirely possible for Love to survive and be a source of pain and terror for Joe in season 4.

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David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.