Young Justice: Outsiders – 8 Ups & 1 Down From Episodes 4-6

7. The Humour

SYoung Justice Outsiders Bowhunter
DC Universe

When it comes to making us laugh, Young Justice has always been "feelin' the aster". Throughout its first two seasons, it would never fail to lighten the mood with a quip, joke or genuinely laugh-out-loud moment. Despite that, it wasn't exactly renowned for its comedy moments. Apparently, that has all changed this season, as 'Private Security' was, without a doubt, the funniest episode that the series has ever produced.

From the team's matching Bowhunter uniforms to the corny triumphant music, the whole episode was like some cheesy tribute to a '70s cop show, and it was nothing short of glorious. However, its greatest strength lay in the writing, which gave way to some of the most hilarious exchanges that these characters have ever had, and it was capped off by the return of Brick, who delivered some classic one-liners about the commitment of the superhero security force.

Last week established how 'Outsiders' has adopted a more mature tone by highlighting some of the original show's attributes and magnifying them. It's good to see that its humour is receiving the same treatment.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.