10 Doctor Who Moments IMPOSSIBLE To Watch The Same After This

8. Exploding Daleks Were Mistaken For A Terrorist Attack

Doctor Who Deep Breath Matt Smith mask
BBC Studios

Anyone who’s seen Remembrance of the Daleks will know that it’s a pretty explosive episode, with battles and set pieces galore. And production-wise, this had some rather unexpected ramifications.

The story was filmed in various London locations, including a road called Windmill Walk. This was the site of the climactic battle between the Imperial and Renegade Daleks, during which multiple Daleks are blown to smithereens.

Following an early victory for the Renegade Daleks, the Imperials deploy their secret weapon: the tank-like Special Weapons Dalek. But this wasn’t the only specialist called to the scene.

Indeed, the explosions quickly attracted the attention of the emergency services, who feared that they were part of a terrorist attack.

At the time the serial was shot in April 1988, tensions were still high in Northern Ireland, and the UK had already been subject to multiple IRA bombings. There was a very real possibility of further action, and the police were on standby to respond.

Of course, in this particular case, there was nothing to worry about. But the fact that the police were called in the first place just goes to show how realistic these explosions were, and makes the sequence all the more hair-raising to watch.

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