10 Most Rewatchable Doctor Who Episodes

6. Heaven Sent

Doctor Who The Eleventh Hour Matt Smith Karen Gillan
BBC Studios

Heaven Sent is such a unique episode of Doctor Who. No TARDIS. No companion. No fun and games. This is a dark story. A commentary on the overbearing power of grief and loss.

There's a sense of mystery to this episode that compels you to watch it again and again. There's no extravagant planet, no campy aliens, no trip back in time. Just the Doctor, in a castle, trapped in a Groundhog Day-style loop, forced to examine his deepest pains and secrets.

While obviously not a feelgood episode like most of our other selections, Heaven Sent is rewatchable in the sense that you want to solve it, to understand it. It's also got a legendary performance by Peter Capaldi and some of the best work by composer Murray Gold, both of which are worth reliving. Constantly. On a loop.

"What on Gallifrey did I just watch?" Many fans no doubt exclaimed when it first aired in 2015. Well, there's one way to answer that question - watch it again!

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Sometimes you hear my voice, sometimes you see my face and sometimes you read my words! But I’m usually away with the faeries and timelords! ?‍♀️