10 Most Rewatchable Doctor Who Episodes

5. The Unicorn And The Wasp

Doctor Who The Eleventh Hour Matt Smith Karen Gillan
BBC Studios

The Unicorn and the Wasp doesn't have much meat on its bones, but it's incredibly good fun regardless. A classic murder mystery full of suspicion and humour, topped with a Doctor Who twist.

The comedy duo of Tennant and Tate is once again on full display, bringing some much-needed light-heartedness following the darker tones of The Doctor's Daughter the week before. While there are several murders here, the elevated Agatha Christie 'whodunnit' approach makes for an exciting and tongue-in-cheek homage to that format - and to top it all off, it even gives a semi-accurate history lesson on the real-life disappearance of Agatha Christie.

And look, we can't not mention Donna's little guessing game as the Doctor tries to describe what he needs to detox the poison. "What do you want, a Harvey Wallbanger?" "How is Harvey Wallbanger one word?!"

And how about Donna at the end, piping up in the background while the Doctor does his grand concluding speech. This is definitely one of the funniest episodes the show has ever done.

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Sometimes you hear my voice, sometimes you see my face and sometimes you read my words! But I’m usually away with the faeries and timelords! ?‍♀️