10 Most Rewatchable Doctor Who Episodes

3. The Eleventh Hour

Doctor Who The Eleventh Hour Matt Smith Karen Gillan
BBC Studios

Matt Smith's debut as the Eleventh Doctor proved he was perfect for the role within about five minutes.

The Eleventh Hour feels like a breath of fresh air, from the new tone and look of the show, to the different style of music, to the new location. There are some wonderful flourishes with the camera, and some strong performances from our new protagonists that immediately squashed many reservations about their ability to take on such daunting roles.

It's just impossible to watch this one without a huge smile on your face. Fish custard, the crack in the wall, Jeff, "Basically... run" - it's remarkable how many iconic moments Steven Moffat managed to cram into an hour of telly. It's like singing along to your favourite song - you know all the great moments are coming, but there's a certain comfort in rewatching them.

Matt Smith got the best conceivable start to his time on Doctor Who, and it's no surprise that The Eleventh Hour is commonly ranked as the greatest post-regeneration story in the show's history.

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Sometimes you hear my voice, sometimes you see my face and sometimes you read my words! But I’m usually away with the faeries and timelords! ?‍♀️