10 Most Rewatchable Doctor Who Episodes

2. The Day Of The Doctor

Doctor Who The Eleventh Hour Matt Smith Karen Gillan
BBC Studios

The Day of the Doctor is rewatchable for so many reasons.

First and foremost... it's epic - a literal cinematic experience that pulled out all the stops to provide a memorable 50th anniversary. Big moments like this are always going to have a strong rewatch factor, and that's no different here.

Like The Power of the Doctor, there's also so much fan service that it's simply not possible to catch it all after just one viewing - The Black Archive alone is packed with several blink-and-you'll-miss-it nods to previous episodes and characters.

But unlike The Power of the Doctor, The Day of the Doctor actually has a strong plot.

There's the long-awaited exploration of The Great Time War, which sheds new light on our hero (all three of them) and makes them feel like a different person at the end. John Hurt as the War Doctor was a real treat, and with this being his only appearance as the character, it is entirely necessary to watch it countless times to relive his brilliant turn.

Oh, and Tom Baker as the Curator. 'Nuff said really.

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Sometimes you hear my voice, sometimes you see my face and sometimes you read my words! But I’m usually away with the faeries and timelords! ?‍♀️