Doctor Who: Every TARDIS Interior Ranked From Worst To Best

7. The Eleventh Doctor's First TARDIS (2010 - 2012)

Doctor Who Every TARDIS Interior Ranked From Worst To Best
BBC Studios

Matt Smith's first TARDIS interior took the concept of "A mad man with a box" and flogged it to within an inch of its life. It's insanely chaotic and wacky.

From the old-school analog telly for a scanner to the typewriter encased in the console, all the way up to the gramophone-esque brass-encased time rotor, it felt more like a time-traveling cocktail bar than a futuristic time ship. Which... actually sounds really cool, now we put it like that.

While the look of old bits of pipe and temperature gauges made everything look a wee bit mish-mashed together, this fit nicely with the 'mad professor' vibe of the Doctor (and of Matt Smith's Doctor specifically). This interior was absolutely enormous too, well and truly pushing that bigger on the inside mandate as far as it could conceivably go with a single room.

Unlike the RTD TARDIS it was also bright, warm, and homely, somewhere you'd actually want to hang out between adventures. There were also stairwells and corridors leading to other areas, genuinely giving the impression that there was endless space within.

It was the perfect console room for the bowtie and tweed-wearing young hipster Doctor, even though it was perhaps a little too chaotic at the same time.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.