Doctor Who: Every TARDIS Interior Ranked From Worst To Best

6. The Fourth Doctor's TARDIS (1977 - 1982)

Doctor Who Every TARDIS Interior Ranked From Worst To Best
BBC Studios

The Fourth Doctor's main TARDIS lasted right up until Peter Davison's second season as the Doctor, albeit with some subtle changes. The addition of the columns to the walls made this interior feel slightly more grand, although they also ironically squashed the bigger on the inside time machine slightly.

The Fourth Doctor, Romana, and K-9 spent a lot of time in the TARDIS, playing chess, doing crosswords, and being stuck in time loops orchestrated by a sentient cactus. There was a real lived-in feel to this TARDIS console room that reflected Tom Baker's comfort in the role of the Doctor.

It also opened up slightly to reveal Romana's bedroom, and, in The Invasion of Time, a whole Victorian hospital that was lurking behind one of the doors. Complete with a swimming pool, this was arguably the biggest the TARDIS has ever looked.

Doctor Who The Invasion of Time TARDIS swimming pool
BBC Studios

However, the clear differences between the studio-bound scenes and location footage meant that viewers could really see the join.

It meant that, ultimately, nobody really bought that the Doctor and Leela were really being chased through the expansive TARDIS corridors by Sontarans.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.