1 Up & 6 Downs From AEW Rampage (Aug 26)

3. The Point Of All This?

Sammy Guevara Tay Melo Angelo Parker Anna Jay

Ruby Soho is going nowhere in AEW.

It was super-random that she was teaming up with Ortiz in the first place (he's also lost in the shuffle), and then the pair went and lost to Sammy Guevara and Tay Melo. Yes, the latter duo are great together loved-up, obnoxious heels, but this whole exercise came out looking pointless.

Soho, who had her forearm jammed in a car door by Melo previously, didn't get a lick of revenge. Meanwhile, Chris Jericho accidentally harpooned his own match stipulation by pointing out that Ortiz' hair was starting to grow back in "after I shaved it off".

Yeah, that really showed him eh?

Interference from Angelo Parker and Anna Jay was a little too frantic to mean much too, and it's a worrying sign that AEW is starting to get rather lazy with some of these finishes. Y'know, just saying - this is a company that once prided itself on being different to WWE's more formulaic approach.

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AEW Rampage
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