10 2020 Moments WWE Must NEVER Do Again

7. Going Underground


Speaking of half-baked ideas.

Last summer, Shane McMahon was cast as a testosterone-fuelled host who enjoyed watching people beat the stuffing out of one another in seedy fight rings. His 'Raw Underground' concept was born, and then it died within just a few months when it failed to spike the show's ratings on USA.

It's not hard to see why now; Underground broke one of wrestling's golden rules by presenting itself as superior and real compared to the regular in-ring fare. Basically, Shane harped on about how his fights were grittier than anything else on WWE TV. That was never going to work long-term.

How could it? Just like the woeful 'Brawl For All' of the late-90s (which, admittedly, was even thicker 'cause the fights were 100% authentic), Underground palmed off the very thing fans tune in to see - pro wrestling played background noise to the project until WWE got bored.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.