10 2020 Moments WWE Must NEVER Do Again

8. Heels Ruining Their Own Purpose


Retribution, with their initial teen anarchist vibes, eventual Slipknot cover band looks and lack of any and all menace, should act as an example of what not to do with heel stables. Their 2020 introduction was a f*ck up from minute one, and it didn't improve even when Mustafa Ali was revealed as mastermind.

Probably because they'd contradicted themselves big time.

Then-appointed public speaker T-Bar literally said that Retribution were out to destroy WWE and planned to tear it down piece by piece. Then, as if by magic, it was revealed that the main members had accepted company contracts like good little doggies. In other words, this angry rebellion had been quelled by money.

It was all so half-arsed, and that one revelation directly killed the group's chances of ever getting over. Did nobody stop to think that maybe (just maybe) it didn't make sense for the rebellious outcasts to become part of the machine?

No? Doesn't look like it.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.