10 Absurd Wrestling Gimmicks That Should Have BOMBED (But Didn't)

7. Ezekiel (The Young Brother Of Elias)

WWE Survivor Series 2022 WarGames Seth Rollins

Your writer will quite happily hold their hands up and confess that they got this one hilariously wrong in the immediate aftermath of a certain younger brother of Elias' debut.

When the squeaky clean babyface bro known as Ezekiel did first wander down the ramp on the Raw after 'Mania 38, very few honestly imagined the star - who looked remarkably just like his bearded older sibling - would go on to become one of the most entertaining parts of the Monday Night slog.

But that's exactly what this surprisingly charming babyface did.

Leaning into the unquestionable absurdity surrounding his arrival, Zeke went on to drive Kevin Owens out of his damn mind in the coming months, even popping up alongside his brother Elias in a backstage clip that again could've become a comedy car crash if it weren't for the skill of the performer involved.

Unfortunately, WWE decided to not let the star get fully Zeke'd up in the end, opting to revert back to focusing on his older strumming family member after Ezekiel was dramatically sidelined by Owens in August.

Justice for Zeke; those tassels will live on for eternity.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...