10 Actors Who Should Play WWE Attitude Era Superstars In Movies

1. Johnny Depp As Goldust

stone cold steve austin woody harrelson

Let's face it, at this point in his career, Johnny Depp just wants to wear a funny hat or sit in a make-up chair for 4 hours every day. You get the idea that his professional life is more about playing dress-up and adapting a quirky voice than it is about delving deep into any particular character's psyche.

Goldust is the ideal person for Depp to portray on film because yes, he gets to paint his face and speak in a hoarse whisper for his in-ring scenes (and he can even wear a wig!), but there's also a backstage family dynamic with his father, Dusty Rhodes and his half-brother, Cody Rhodes that could hopefully tap into whatever small part of Depp is still interested in human acting.

Depp recently put on a few pounds for his role in Black Mass, so he could replicate the frame of Dustin Runnels pretty easily. But let's keep expectations low and focus on the theatrics, rather than the impossible idea that Johnny Depp would ever go flying off the top rope.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.