10 AEW Title Changes That MUST Happen In 2023

8. World Trios Championship - The Elite

MJF Jade Cargill

This one feels like a no-brainer, to the point that it would be strange if it didn’t happen. The trios best of seven series has been predictably brilliant in the ring, high octane nonsense from masters of their craft, designed to set pulses rating and maybe finish off Jim Cornette for good.

More interesting, though, has been the slowburn storytelling revolving around a Geordie lad and his hammer. Pac's corrupting malevolence has been a joy to watch, intelligently deployed. First, Ray Fenix cheated to win, regretting it instantly.

His brother Penta, on the other hand, had no such scruples, He’s, fittingly, all in with Pac’s Hammers Over Everything ethos, and the two black-clad members of Death Triangle now seem fully heel, doling out beatings to The Elite after matches and targeting body parts with grim efficiency.

The Elite will triumph; what’s more, this may just spell the end for Death Triangle, who’ll implode during or after the final match. And the bouts that sets up will be out of this world.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)