10 AEW Wrestlers Who Are In Big Trouble

5. Andrade El Idolo

Wardlow TNT Title

Much like his colleague Jay Lethal, you know something is up when your most memorable in-ring showing of the year came during a retirement match for a 73-year-old veteran.

But that's exactly the position Andrade El Idolo finds himself in, with the former NXT Champion grabbing far more headlines for his behind-the-scenes antics than for his unremarkable on-air performances in recent times.

The problem El Idolo finds himself facing now, however, is the fact that his blatant attempts to force Tony Khan into booting him out of the All Elite promotion has likely left his more desired workplace thinking twice about whether he's actually worth the hassle.

It is also worth noting that with the talented star currently recovering from surgery on a torn pectoral after being sent home by AEW for his part in a backstage Dynamite brawl with Sammy Guevara, this extended time on the sidelines could actually eventually pave the way for a sensational comeback on All Elite television in 2023.

Whether he pops back up in WWE or returns to work for his current employer, though, Andrade will need to undergo some serious rehabilitation either way (and not just on his torn tit) in order to prove he's still a star worth having aboard.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...