10 AEW Wrestlers Who Told You They Were Pissed

6. MJF Hints At His Incoming Pipebomb

Thunder Rosa Sandbagging

While many were understandably quick to declare that MJF's jaw-dropping June 1 pipe bomb on Dynamite was little more than an elaborate work, a number of breadcrumbs the unfiltered Salt of the Earth had dropped in the lead-up to said moment seemed to suggest that a p*ssed off Maxwell's decision to no-show a Fan Fest event on Double or Nothing weekend had been a long time coming.

An appearance on Barstool's Rasslin' show in May saw Friedman admit his frustration at "ex-fu***ng WWE guys" all "making an absurd amount of money" despite the star claiming they "can’t sniff my fu***ng jock when it comes to the ratings I pull in whenever I am on screen..."

Elsewhere, the hot property was also happy to name drop his old pal Cody Rhodes, further allude to what he branded "the bidding war of 2024" when his deal with AEW runs out, and the fact his boss Tony Khan didn't want to discuss his real-life contract situation on Dynamite during his kayfabe contract signing with Wardlow around this time, too.

MJF definitely knows his worth, and these hints only add further fuel to the idea of his aforementioned June bombshell actually being closer to the truth than many may think.

Or perhaps TK and Maxwell are just wrasslin' masterminds and we're all being epically worked...


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...