10 Amazing Rob Van Dam WWE Matches

5. Rob Van Dam & Rey Myserio Vs. Eddie Guerrero & Booker T (Smackdown 30.12.04)

Rob Van Dam Vs. John Cena One Night Stand 2006

This one is kind of a forgotten because it took place on a random end of year Smackdown in 2004, when interest in the blue brand was pretty low. That's unfortunate, because the all-babyface WWE Tag Team Title match was one of the best Smackdown matches of the year and deserves a lot more love.

There's no great story involved here or anything; Rey and Rob were the champs, their buddies Eddie and Booker wanted a shot at the belts and, hey ho what do you know we've got ourselves a main event, Maggle! This was not long before RVD would have to take a long break in order to have major reconstructive knee surgery, but you can't tell he's in pain based on the way he's moving around in this one.

Eddie/Rey and RVD/Booker paired off in the early going with some nice sequences before the challengers managed to isolate Rey. The Biggest Little Man managed to wriggle away for the hot tag to Van Dam, who was over. WWE may have done their best to reduce interest in the man, but he was over, and he was throwing around kicks and monkey flips and Northern Lights suplexes like there was no tomorrow.

After a hot finishing stretch of everyone trading moves (which included a ref bump), Rey managed to outwit Eddie with a springboard wheelbarrow rollup for the win. This one isn't on the Network (yet), but is on Rey's second WWE DVD 'The Life of a Masked Man' and I urge you to watch it if you can.

It's real good, and real overlooked.


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...