10 Amazing Wrestler Team-Ups That Ended Way Too Early
9. Bart Gunn And Sunny
Sunny gets the honor of being the only non-wrestler on this list and while this may stretch the definition of wrestler team-up she probably deserves it. In her prime of the mid-90s, Tammy Sytch was the talk of the industry and WWE went to great lengths to showcase her on their shows, magazines and websites. She initially was a manager and then later devolved to a variety of supporting roles (pre-show host, ring announcer, pin-up model, etc) when it seemed the creative team had nothing left for her to do. Yet, she suited the devious manager role well and got hooked up with several tag teams most notably the Bodydonnas, Legion of Doom and Smokin Gunns. Her six month stint with the Smokin Gunns saw her paired with Billy Gunn who was an established tag team performer and would later become a break-out star in the Attitude Era. Sunny and Billy shared a storyline romantic relationship when she managed the team but she fired both men when they lost their tag team titles. Billy then went on to a rocky start to his solo career (with his Rockabilly persona flopping hard) before his success in DX. It is too bad the WWE didnt keep the on-camera relationship between him and Sunny going for a stretch. Gunns journey to the upper mid-card would have been much easier with the sexy, popular and charismatic Sunny by his side as a solo competitor. This scenario may have even lengthened Sunnys WWE career as her character generally lost purpose when she wasnt actively managing in-ring competitors. Either way, WWE didnt realize the potential of this pair together during their primes and lost out on a golden opportunity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tn-oCr6A0bA