10 Amazing Wrestlers Who HUMILIATED Themselves At WWE WrestleMania

8. Santino Marella (WrestleMania XXV)

WWE WrestleMania The Undertaker

Somehow, 'Mania XXV was a crappier day for women's wrestling.

Look, Santino Marella was an industry treasure during his peak. He was legitimately one of the funniest comedy workers going, but could put a shift in when the moment called for it. This writer has a lot of time for his work, but absolutely none for the dreadful misuse of an entire division on 2009's biggest show.

Santino dressed as his phoney sister "Santina" and won a "Miss. WrestleMania" Battle Royal. The prize? A tiara that the character insisted on wearing from that point on. Maybe this should've replaced the prior entry, actually, because it was Beth Phoenix who got dumped out last by Marella on this occasion.

Many of the best women involved in the match didn't even get a proper entrance, which really speaks to what WWE officials thought of the female roster back then. Comedy or not, Santino embarrassed himself and the women's division with this unwanted performance.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.