10 Amazing Wrestling Villains Hidden In Plain Sight

1. Cody Rhodes Stabs Bob Holly In The Back To Join Ted DiBiase Jr

MJF Cody

He may rank as the undisputed top babyface in WWE at this current moment in time, but the 'American Nightmare' wasn't always a fiercely loyal hero of the people. Hell, less than a year into his first WWE run, Rhodes actually helped pull off one of the finest heel swerves of the late 2000s.

The future AEW EVP had eventually formed a team with Hardcore Holly after the two feuded and Rhodes ultimately earned the respect of the abrasive veteran. A World Tag Team Championship run would follow, only for the partners to find themselves being challenged to a match by another wrestler with the business in his blood: Ted DiBiase Jr.

That confident newcomer claimed he would only reveal his mystery partner for the teams' title fight at Night of Champions 2008. But in a move that just about nobody saw coming, his heel teammate was none other than Cody himself, with the two youngsters turning the contest into a handicap bout as they walked out with the straps.

Just like that, every subtle knowing look shared between the eventual Legacy boys before the fateful match now sat as evidence of the two's devious plan heading into the PPV.

That "baby boomer" never stood a chance.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...