10 Annoying Traits That Are RUINING WWE Characters

4. Sheamus (Justified)

Bayley Laughing

The best heels are obviously in the wrong but believe their own sh*t. That's a tried-and-tested formula that has wobbled as wrestling has evolved; true heels are a rarity these days, mainly because everyone wants to be "cool" or milk the merch train.

Then, there's poor Sheamus.

Both Ricochet and Humberto Carrillo stepped up to the mark during his United States Title 'Open Challenge' routine, and both have been positioned as energetic spitfires who want to shut Sheamus' mouth and take his belt. Problems arise when one examines what happened next though.

Those "bleedin' bastards" broke Sheamey's nose. Basically, his rants about them are totally justified, and that's not a great position for a so-called bully boy heel to be in. Why should fans like Ricochet or Carrillo for injuring another superstar and potentially taking money out of his pockets?

What next? Rico and Humberto start raking through Sheamus' bags in the back and stealing his possessions? Oh wait, they've already done that.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.